Follow Up Clinic Hours:

Tuesday – Saturday
Select times available each day

If your pet is unstable please sign up for the Urgent Care Clinic.
If your pet is experiencing a medical emergency while we are unavailable, please seek out your nearest emergency center.

Services Offered

Management of Chronic Diseases or Chronic Ailments: Click for more details

This is for existing patients only who have been seen at Access within the last 12 months, and were referred to the follow up clinic by a veterinarian at Access Veterinary Care. If it has been longer than 12 months, or your pet is a new patient, please sign up through our Urgent Care Clinic. The Follow Up Clinic can generally address ongoing, non-emergent chronic disease management, wound maintenance, or care plans that have a specific timeline (such as corneal ulcers), for those without a general practice veterinarian. If you were not referred by a veterinarian at Access Veterinary Care, please contact us to see if your pet qualifies.


Click For: Follow Up Clinic Check In

General Information

Information and Pricing

What is the Follow Up Clinic?

The Follow Up Clinic has expanded! We’re still only servicing established patients with a referral for chronic conditions, or conditions that need ongoing management. While having a family veterinarian to manage these concerns is still recommended, the Follow Up Clinic is an appointment based clinic that allows for those who don’t have access to a regular provider.

Common Pricing

  • Follow Up Clinic office visit fee (30 min): $65
  • Full in house bloodwork: $246
  • Routine send out bloodwork: $109 -$130
  • X-Rays: $190
  • Urinalysis: $81
  • Basic Urine Culture: $111
  • Bandaging: $25 – $180 (average)

Does my Pet Qualify?


Chronic Disease Management: 

  1. Your pet was diagnosed with or was treated for a chronic condition at Access Veterinary Care’s Urgent Care Clinic in the past 12 months.
  2. Your pet’s chronic condition is brand new and you need additional education
    • OR your pet’s condition is stable and just requires ongoing maintenance or yearly medication renewal.
    • OR you’re struggling with your pet’s care plan and would like to discuss other options. Please note that your pet should be medically stable, even if you’d like to discuss changing their current care plan. If your pet is medically unstable, or can not wait for a standard appointment, they should be brought into Access Veterinary Care’s Urgent Care Clinic, or your local veterinary ER.
  3. You don’t have any additional or unrelated concerns to the diagnosed issue.


  • Your pet was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism almost a year ago, and you need their yearly bloodwork to get more medication.
  • Your pet was diagnosed with Diabetes last week, is doing well on their current dose of insulin, and you need more education on how to manage their condition and to recheck their labs.
  • Your pet was seen for arthritis at Access Veterinary Care a couple of months ago, but you’re having trouble consistently administering their NSAID tablets, and they still seem a bit stiff. You’d like to learn about other medication and treatment options.

Urgent Care Clinic

Frequently Asked Questions

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